Sunday, February 23, 2014

Buckets of Rain Part. 1

I write to you from the sky! Somewhere between San Francisco and Denver. These last four days I've driven over 2500 miles through Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, and California. My friend, Kayla, got a job out here so I helped drive her out and now I'm headed home...

There have been so many themes on this trip that I've decided to write a three part blog about it.  Here goes part one...

"A ship is safe in the harbor, but that's not what ships are built for." Kayla tells me this is her motto for the part of the life she's entering- packing up her car and moving across the country.

We played in Madison on Sunday night, then I caught a ride with Dan to Milwaukee and left sometime around 1 in the morning. I hadn't slept yet, so I closed my eyes for a few hours... woke up to the St. Louis arch passing, woke from a fitful slumber- heart on fire. It all seemed a blur- daylight... warmth... no snow on the ground. Leaving the Wisconsin winter behind for a while!

The red dirt of Oklahoma! New places, new terrain, new culture, time with a good, old friend. Enchanting New Mexico, invigorating Arizona, laughing by the ocean... the mountains. These things brought a clarity to my. "Trust thyself," Emerson whispers in my ear.

This theme trickles through in all aspects of my life, but in regards to making music with Dan, Tim, and Pete, I am again affirmed. I believe in what we do- having fun, making art, encouraging and inspiring and challenging each other, laughing with each other, connecting with people in small town bars and gas stations on the way to bigger venues, bigger venues with their flashy lights and...

These past few weeks have been a trip. Moving around a lot, few things consistent besides sitting in a vehicle watching the miles pass and playing tunes. The passing of a couple significant people in my life- one being an artist from the Oshkosh area who really touched the scene here, whose energy spoke in a way I've never heard before...the other a man who I would simply best describe as a lover of people.... Everything leading to a lot of flowing thoughts, feelings. Tragic things happen and they lead to moments of distinct clarity. Most of all, I think it's time for us to put everything on the line. Take the ship out of the harbor...

In about six weeks I'll be in a plane again heading back to San Francisco, this time with the boys. I am so excited to make another album.. to trust ourselves, to step outside of the nonexistant box...  to step outside of ourselves... More than anything, though, I want the album to be honest. I want us to create something with our whole hearts.

I'll wrap up part 1 with a quote I'm reminded of that I saw when I was in Kansas City a couple of weeks ago...

"We are not the creators of the music. We are the vehicles through which the creation sends vibrations... Music has little to do with notes; it has everything to do with life."

Stay tuned for the new two parts! Hostel experiences, my first flying experience, the ocean....

1 comment:

  1. This entry makes me smile and just reading it and reading "my motto" again helped me to relax. It is a different world in these parts. I will creating my blog tonight I think and I will let you know how it goes. :) Thanks again for driving out here with me! - Kayla
