Every album is different, but in general I fall hard and fast. Whether it's a melody, word or string of words, rhythm, or some other aesthetic seasoning, I hear and feel and think and I am so quickly infatuated. I've fallen in love with many albums throughout my short life- all different kinds and for all different reasons- sometimes it lasts for a long time- continually finding new things to love about the music- and other times it's more short lived... Either way I'm thankful for all my relationships with music. In regards to music, I suppose you could call me a polyamorist?
So here we go- judge me or don't, try out these albums or don't, here are five noteworthy albums I've been infatuated with this summer:
1. Beck- Morning Phase

2. Tallest Man on Earth- There's No Leaving Now
I've been enamored with Tallest Man on Earth since I first heard him around five or six years ago. The Pabst Theater was doing a run of free shows on Tuesdays. There were maybe 50 people there or less! I really enjoyed his first two albums, but "There's No Leaving Now" really stole my heart. The song-writing is over-all beautiful, but there are certain strings of words that really stick out to me. His nitty-gritty voice attracts me as well as his rhythmic and decorated guitar playing. Released in 2012, I have come back to this album time and again.
3. Damien Jurado- Brothers and Sisters of the Eternal Son

4. Radiohead- In Rainbows

5. Sun Kil Moon-Ghosts of the Great Highway

There they are! I could name several more but I wont. Well, I will make two more notable mentions! And they are:
Jim James- "Regions of Light and Sound"
Townes Van Zandt- "Our Mother the Mountain"
Shelly Yakus was the engineer on several key Tom Petty releases. It is her voice that says "it's just the normal noises in here" at the beginning of "Even The Losers."
ReplyDeleteI will have to check out the Sun Kil Moon release you refer to here. I have been blown away by "Benji," one of the best recent releases I have heard besides "Space and Time."